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Bee & Wasp Nest - Removal Experts

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Bee, Wasp & Hornet Nest Removal 

Yellow Jacket Wasp Control

Our service includes bee & wasp control, nest removal, honey bee nest removal, exterminator services for yellow jackets, carpenter bees, hornets, cicada killers, and mud wasps. We remove bees and wasps from walls, attics, soffits, overhangs, eaves, ground hollows and other cavities. Honeybees are removed with our bee-keeper and saved for pollinating, we repair the damage.


Yellow Jacket nests are made up of paper like those of paper wasps, but they have multiple layers of comb while paper wasps always only have a single layer of cells. Yellow Jacket nests are always enclosed in a wood-pulp paper envelope built by the wasps.


Yellow Jacket Wasps are the most common residential problem we see. They will make nests behind shutters, cavities of doorbells, stumps, water spigot, soffits and your ridge vent.  Yellow jackets can be very aggressive and will sting you repeatedly if you approach their nest. 


Don't get stung, call a professional to remove the Yellow Jacket Nest and more important keep a new one from forming. 

Pest Management & Nest Removal

Albany NY, Schenectady, Troy, Latham, Colonie, Clifton Park, Saratoga Springs, Glens Falls, Queensbury, Chatham, Hudson, Catskill.

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Carpenter Bee Control


After winter hibernation, adult carpenter bees emerge from their nests in the springtime usually in early march in NY & MA. When the carpenter bees first emerge, they generally mate within 2-3 weeks. During mating time they gather food and search for the male or female they will nest with. Carpenter bees are solitary bees, so while several young adults may emerge from the same nest, this does not mean they will continue to live together. Typically a carpenter bee male and carpenter bee female will create their own nest together. At the most, one nest will house a few carpenter bee siblings. Once the bees have found their mate they will construct their nest. The female will pick the spot and carve out the nest and create a gallery to lay her eggs. The female carpenter bee spends about 5-6 days to drill about an inch. to an inch and 1/4. A typical gallery is about five inches long. The male carpenter will protect the nest from other carpenter bees and predators with intimidation. 

Carpenter Bees are wood destroying insects. They drill holes into your home or structures so they can lay their eggs, solitary nesters most of the time, they most resemble the bumble bee. One way to tell apart is Carpenter bees have shiny abdominals and they hover around their nest or around the hole they intend to make. Males hover near the nest but they don't have stingers and try to intimidate you instead. 

Pest Management & Carpenter Bee Nest Removal

The wood being drilled must be treated and all carpenter bees holes should be treated. In the fall time you can fill the holes with wood putty and paint if needed.  

Bald Faced Hornets


In the spring, fertilized queens that overwintered in protected places such as in hollow trees, rock piles, under bark and in the walls and attics of buildings, become active and begin to build a nest. The queen collects cellulose from old and rotting wood, she chews the wood adds her saliva, and uses this paste to make a papery material to construct the nest. The queen creates cells within the nest and deposits eggs. As the spring & summer progresses, the colony grows until there may be 75 to 300 workers. 


Pest Management & Nest Removal

Life Cycle & Behavior

Black and White Hornets known as Bald faced hornets are common in Upstate NY and Massachusetts. They are extremely aggressive and if you approach their nest. They have a unique looking basketball size nest that is common to be found in your eves, soffit or in a tree on your property. Call a professional, do not attempt on your own or you will get stung.  

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Paper Wasps

Life Cycle & Behavior


Northern paper wasps are long dark brown wasps with lighter brown or coppery brown or yellow markings. They are not as common because the European paper wasp has taken over most of their habitat. Their colony habits are the same, wasps build open gray, papery nests out of saliva mixed with chewed wood or paper litter. The cellulose is used to construct walls and cells for raising a brood. Nests vary in size and location, but are started by overwintering mated queens in early spring. Once the queen has raised a few workers, they take on the task of building and feeding while the queen focuses on egg-laying. Paper wasp queens are known to invade and take over nests of other queens. Only female wasps have stingers and Male wasps are among the last raised in a nest, and only function to mate with the new queens.

Pest Management & Nest Removal

Northern Paper Wasp nests are very common in the residential setting they prefer to build their nest in the eves or just outside the louver vent or in the corner of the soffit. usually identified as long brown wasps. Please call a professional if you see activity at 518-869-7378. 

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